Wednesday, April 2, 2008

From Failue to Restoration to Mission - The Bridge of Christ

Day before yesterday, I listened to a radio sermon by denominational preacher Chuck Swindoll. His concluding remarks on John 21 gave me an idea for a sermon. The outline appears below. Swindoll's approach was subjective, allegorical and evangelical. It is my prayer that the lesson below is objective, linear and Biblical. Lord willing, I will preach this lesson at the next opportunity available to me. Feel free to use it if you wish.

John 21 – “From Failure to Restoration to Mission – The Bridge of Christ”

1. When God called Peter from Failure to Restoration to Mission, Peter
was open to the process.
a. The rehabilitation of Peter
1) Peter was not looking for the Lord but the Lord was
looking for him.
a) Though not seeking rehabilitation, Peter ran to the
Lord when he saw him.
b) The Lord was ready for Peter when Peter arrived
at the shore.

2. When God called Peter from Failure to Restoration to Mission, Peter
submitted himself for a time of deep spiritual cross examination by the Word.
a. The three fold questioning of Peter by the Lord.
1) Simon, do you agape me? Yes Lord, I phileo you.
2) Simon, do you agape me? Yes Lord, I phileo you.
3) Simon, do you phileo me? Yes Lord, I phileo you.
a) Jesus accepts Peter back where he IS, not where
he should be, and one day WILL be.
b) Jesus accepts Peter back ignoring his sinful past,
clearing the way for a faithful future.
b. The questions of Jesus are brutally pointed, and to his credit, Peter’s answers
are real, honest and without spin.
3. When God called Peter from Failure to Restoration to Mission, Peter
had to ignore all others but Christ.
a. What God does with someone else matters not at all.
b. When you were young, you were in TOTAL control.
c. When you grow old, you will have NO control.
1) The stages of Peter’s life
a) Total Confidence in himself
b) Total Denial of the Lord
c) Total Guilt
d) Total Doubt
e) A Return to Normalcy
f) Rediscovery of Christ
g) Reconciliation
h) Renewed Friendship
i) Renewed Dedication
j) An Attempted Return to Control
k) Attempted Return to Control Stopped Cold
l) Agape Driven Obsession Illustrated in His Letters
m) The Will of Peter Finally Becomes One and the Same with the Will of Christ as
He Dies
4. Conclusion – As He did with Peter, Jesus takes the broken ruins of our lives, our sins, our
failures and our shortcomings and builds a bridge called RESTORATION that takes us from
a. Once we are reconciled to the Lord, as Peter was, we can take up
our cross and follow Him by making disciples, baptizing and teaching
all things whatsoever He commanded.

CREDIT: I heard a radio sermon by Chuck Swindoll on March 31, 2008 where he made 3 brief concluding remarks on John 21; 1) When God calls us from futility to fruitfulness we should be open, 2) When God calls us from futility to fruitfulness we should expect a season of spiritual reflection and 3) When God calls us from futility to fruitfulness we should ignore all others outside of our individual calling. Swindoll comes from a Calvinistic point of view that allegorizes facts regarding Peter and assigns them directly to individuals living today. I took the general idea and wrote a sermon that is an exposition of Scripture as it is written. Application is made secondary after linear examination.

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